Integrative Medical Weight Loss Program
Excess weight gain may lead to unwanted cardiometabolic changes such as high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low serum HDL cholesterol, impaired fasting glucose, insulin resistance, diabetes, and fatty liver disease. The accumulation of fat (adipose) particularly around the abdomen has been shown to be associated with significant adverse health effects. Therefore, in addition to its psychosocial benefits of boosting self-esteem, weight loss allows for prevention or decreased risks of these potential complications.
Health benefits may be gained with even a 5% weight loss achievable with lifestyle modification. With the use of adjunctive medications such as Semaglutide and Tirzepatide this may approach 20%.
Weight gain is typically the result of a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental/ lifestyle factors.
This program is designed to:
Determine your specific metrics with detailed a Styku 3D body scan, body mass index and accurate waist circumference measurement, which is specifically linked to the risk of cardiometabolic conditions.
Perform a comprehensive evaluation for possible underlying causes for weight gain including neuroendocrine disorders such as: (polycystic ovarian syndrome, seasonal affective disorder, and thyroid dysfunction), adverse medication effects, dietary imbalances leading to excess caloric intake, lifestyle factors including the impact of decreased exercise tolerance, and psychological issues such as stress-induced metabolic changes.
Evaluate targeted blood testing to identify these underlying medical disorders.
Determine the risks related to your weight and assist you in setting your specific weight loss goal.
Implement an effective treatment plan including:
Recommendations for discussion of alternative (weight -losing or weight -neutral) medications with your primary care physician if you are being treated for other medical conditions with medications that cause weight gain.
Focus on diet and nutrition including motivational support to address meal planning, cognitive restructuring, managing environmental factors promoting unhealthy eating, learning mindful eating, effective use of weight self-monitoring. Guidance on selecting the appropriate dietary intervention such as intermittent fasting, low fat/hypocaloric, Mediterranean, DASH, or ketogenic to maximize your health benefits.
Implement Movement/Exercise
This will include education on three components of resistance, aerobic, and flexibility training. This is of vital importance to prevent muscle loss that may occur during your weight loss program, accelerate your weight loss, and sustain the benefits accrued during the treatment. Your body may secrete (“counter-regulatory”) hormones that attempt to increase weight back to its “adipose set point” and so this physical conditioning may need to be adjusted.
Health coaching sessions to coordinate and support the dietary modifications and exercise recommendations which are integral to your success.
Medications such as Semaglutide(Wegovy) and Tirzapetide (Monjuaro) may be prescribed as necessary to achieve your target goal. Careful monitoring for side effects will be recommended.
Herbal supplements, botanicals, acupuncture, and MBSR (mind-body stress reduction) may be utilized for optimal results.